Monday, 18 March 2013

Old skool Cider labels

When you love something passionately, you really appreciate where its been. In the process of researching Worlds Best Cider, I've been hunting around for historic labels and adverts to include earlier on in the book. I discovered most of these on eBay for a pittance (although some were slightly more expensive.) They are real little beauties!

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Bristol Cider Map

At last!

A map to stop you getting lost in Bristol when you're feeling thirsty and in need of cider. Bristol is a great city if you're looking for cider, its perfectly positioned between Somerset/the West country to the south, Wales to the west and Herefordshire/3 Counties to the north. Its become a bit of a cider capital of the UK and is well worth a visit for any foreign cider lovers who want to try as much as possible in as short a space of time as you may have!

Download your copy here courtesy of the Naked Guide To Cider and the fantastic Bristol Cider Shop.

Friday, 1 March 2013

Cider with ice: my faux pas

I shared this yesterday (via Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) because I liked the simplicity of the composition and the lighting etc and thought people might enjoy relating to that moment just before you take your first sip.

I slipped few cubes in to chill it slightly because both it and I were pretty warm by then. As the sun was out (for once) and I was hot having slaved over a stove for hours to prepare a family feast,  I needed to be cool and refreshing. Mmmm....

However, the response it got was totally unexpected - no-one really gave a toss about the quality of the photography or 'the moment' because they were far more concerned with the fact that I, of all people, could put some ice in my cider! I really enjoyed the (albeit mild and short lived) controversy it caused and it made me realise that its one of those 'faux pas' cider folks really notice because they more commonly associate it with novice drinkers that have been suckered by the marketing of ciders that 'aren't real.'

It had me giggling and still does. I'll probably do it next time i forget to chill my cider, or glass in advance because theres something fun about swimming against the tide. Don't be afraid peeps, its just a few lumps of frozen water.